
Showing posts from August, 2017
Everyday life is filled with people being within different groups. People belong to different clubs, activities, or are even randomly put into groups at school. This week alone I have been in different groups collaborating on different interests and ideas. An example is my sorority. We all belong to the same chapter and meet every Monday to discuss different philanthropy work and ways to improve the chapter. This group would be considered a concocted group. Based on an outside authority placing us into this chapter. We all have common morals, goals, and interests that based us on being selected for this group. Each of us are participating within this group to help the charities and the community. This website gives a good representation of of how we all work together and what we do in our chapter. Photo by LG via Wikimedia Commons Photo by Kaci Burden via Facebook

What Is Collaboration Anyway?

What is Collaboration Anyway? It all begins with sharing. User-generated content spread along through various social media platforms is not a form of collaboration. Collaboration is defined as "the action of working with someone to produce or create something." Wikipedia is a prime example of collaboration. People from around the world are along to contribute to the website by adding information to a number of topics. An example is when I was in high school and my History class had to go research different topics to add facts to a Wikipedia page that someone else didn't discover. We worked in different groups and searched the internet along with textbooks to find different facts that weren't yet on the page. By doing this we were learning more about each topic and collaborating with different classmates and the other authors for when people needed the resource to further their knowledge on the topic. Photo by  Trevor Parscal  via Wikimedia Commons