Online Gaming

This week in class we discussed online gaming. The company we discussed was Riot, League of Legends. Researchers looked through the game to see the effects of toxic and trash talk in the game. They used different codes to see if people would stop talking badly on the game by having people report others and have different check points in the games with different colors. I don't know much about online gaming but when I was younger I always played Webkinz and Club Penguin and they had censors for people that would speak badly. If teens on the site continued to have toxic behavior on the site they would block the character from the site. I believe that every website should have this based on the fact that their will always be teenagers and people that speak this way. Or I believe they should make games where they know people are talking this way for a more mature age. Make the game get information about your age before allowing you to join.

Photo by Gamingforfun365


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